Focusing while self-isolating
I know many writers have had a hard time focusing lately. It’s been hard for me, too.
Even though as an introvert, I have worked from home even before self-isolation was a widely used term.
What’s changed is that there are real threats to lives and society, and lots of misinformation to sift through.
A lot of this we can’t control. What we can control is how we respond.
I know what works for me. You’ll need to explore what works for you, what helps you stay grounded amid the muck of chaos.
For me, it’s meditation. I learned how to meditate 12 years ago, and it changed my life. At first, it was easy. Maintaining that practice over the years, however, was not.
This morning, after a chaotic yesterday, I found personal insight on the cushion. And I wrote it down in my journal.
If you hate the idea of meditating, then skip that step.
Transcribe your thoughts. Get them out of your system. Set aside your manuscript or project for a moment, and express your anxiety or inner critic or the madness you feel within.
Keep going until you run out of steam. Even if what’s coming out makes no sense. Once expressed, you’ll feel. Raw, maybe. Calm. Not perfect, but better. If anger persists, keep writing.
This is where the power of your writing lives.
This may be the time for self-isolation, but that does not mean it’s time to self-contain the power inside you.