book coach & ghostwriter



Desire and destiny


It's been said that desire and destiny are one and the same. Do you believe that?

Your destiny is your desire made manifest.

If your life feels like destiny is nowhere in sight, then you're off course.

If you're off course, your desire is being clouded by fear or other conditioning.

That fear or conditioning is the lie we tell ourselves. The truth is in your desire. The power of your truth will bring you to your destiny.

Same is true for your characters if you're writing fiction.

Same is true for your clients in their transformation, by the way. They are actors on their own stage. (The play's the thing, and all that.)

Same is true for your readers. If you have a nonfiction book, THEY are your characters with their own desires.

Your vision, your framework, your book can guide them through their transformation to arrive at their destiny.

If you need help figuring out how to do that, let me know.