book coach & ghostwriter



Authors, count your gratitudes


My daughter the other day didn't see much sense in Thanksgiving.

It's just another meal.

She doesn't like turkey either.

As for the "count your blessings" thing, why reserve one day to do that? That should be done every day, she tells me.

I don't blame her. I'm not a fan of holidays in general because of that reasoning.


Sometimes we forget.

We entrepreneurs especially tend to run ragged tending to the business of helping and guiding others. Kind of ironic, really.

So today is a day to stop. Rest. Reflect.

  • Why am I doing what I'm doing?

And if you're writing or planning a book:

  • I've written a bunch of words, but am I truly conveying what I want to say? What is my purpose here?

Whether you're hanging out today with a huge crowd or a few select loved ones or by yourself, look at what you have around you.

If it's not much, look deeper.

Look at what you've done this past year or so.

  • What impact did you have on others, skillful or non?

  • How have you progressed in the journey you've decided to create for yourself?

  • How many words have you expressed onto the page to share your vision?

  • Have you taken the next step to put it out there in the world?

  • Are you on your way to being, doing, or having what you want? Have you already been, done, or have that?

Cultivate the gratitude for what you have learned along the way.

Especially if you forget to do it every day. (It's OK.)

You can decide today to continue doing what you have done or change trajectory or finally do what you've always wanted.

I'm thankful for the steady growth I've achieved in my business and know that I'm just getting started. I'm thankful for my daughter whose wisdom is far beyond her years. I'm thankful for possibilities and opportunities. I'm thankful for courage and faith and openness and love.

What are you thankful for today?