book coach & ghostwriter



Embodied writing



I once had an Argentine tango dancer tell me she liked dancing with me better than the teacher she married.

The reason? He taught by the numbers and danced that way. Everything had to be just so. On the other hand, I was there to have fun and felt innately that dancing was a conversation, a relationship.

When you’re in embrace with someone who’s energetically on the same page, the feeling is pure bliss. It is better than sex.

Fear, worry, and doubt can creep in if you let it. I’ve danced with women who felt like I was shoving a refrigerator around the dance floor. I’ve danced with women who danced AT me instead of following my lead. I’m also sure I’ve had my moments when I wasn’t present or leading as powerfully as I could have, resulting in bored followers.

The same is true with writing. When you’re present with your purpose, and take on the full emotions of the story you wish to convey, you are more embodied and grounded.

The writing flows more freely, and your authenticity—the truth of who you are and of your message—is captured easily on the page.

With purpose comes drive, and with drive comes innate power.

When you resist this truth, the impact of your words do not land with your readers. You are not relating. You’re talking at them. You're in your head rather than in your body, your inner knowing.

Just as you know the target audience for your business, you are allowed to be picky in terms of whom you write for. In fact, it’s essential in order to have a successful, enjoyable business. Same is true for whom you choose to embrace on and off the dance floor. Your interactions will be more enjoyable, more relevant, and more impactful. And you will reveal each other’s truths in the process.

You can learn the steps. You can teach the steps. Now you must embody the steps.

If you’re an entrepreneur or nonfiction writer who wants to embody what they teach in the form of a book, now is the time. Author your own authority, and positively affect the lives of others.

Need help with this? Send me a message and let’s chat. Or if you’re ready for a free consultation call, schedule a time here: