book coach & ghostwriter



Epic Dad Podcast episode dropping Oct. 26


I had a great time today on the Epic Dad Podcast with Jason McCleery! The episode is slated to drop around Oct. 26.

In the episode, we talked about how to allow your kids to be who they are, as well as the fact that most men our age or older weren't taught to express our feelings and how becoming dads nowadays allow us to learn this alongside our kids.

When we are grounded in our inner truth, we can be the epic dads we aspire to be.

But sometimes we're not as epic or as grounded as we would like, and that is OK!

We touched on how that applies to The Grounded Writer methodology I've been creating to help writers listen in to their truth and navigate the choppy waters associated with creativity and creating your own path.

Looking forward to sharing this one when it goes live!

For now, go to to check out (some really great) previous episodes.

Or schedule a call to learn more about how you can apply an epic groundedness to your book.