book coach & ghostwriter



Claim it, despite the obstacles


Life is but a dream.

A dream in which we can choose our own adventure.

We desire something, and inevitably there is an obstacle in the way.

There is always another way.

That is what timeless stories show us.

Often times, the obstacle is internal, the stories we tell ourselves. Sometimes the obstacle is external, antagonists with their own desires rubbing up against ours.

When we dream, random connections happen. People you haven’t thought of in years suddenly show up. Things just don’t make sense; logic goes out the window.

Life is the consequence of your emotions, the trajectory of your desires, whether fulfilled or unfulfilled.

Rarely it’s one straight path to the finish line. Usually there are two or many more threads weaving and braiding together. Sometimes the thread loosens, gets off course, and arrives at a dead end.

This is true for yourself the author just as much as it’s true for your book premise or the characters or ideas within.

What book have you dreamed up?

Are your ideas or threads in disarray?

What are your deepest desires for the impact your book will have?

Need an expert oarsman to help you merrily row this boat of yours?

DM me. Let’s chat. I’ve got a few more spots available to close out the year.

Take action. Be the one to take one of them. Not for me, but to claim your dream and to make it real.